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Music producers'
Management organization

MPO is a non-profit membership organization that manages rights on behalf of music producers.

MPO is the music producers' management organization. It is a community of producers who have come together to collaboratively and collectively manage rights in cases where collective management makes more sense than individual agreements. We do this by collecting remuneration on behalf of music producers. And we do it by ensuring that royalties are distributed quickly and accurately to producers.

MPO is a non-profit membership organization. We manage rights on behalf of our members and other music producers. It is crucial to us that the management is carried out with the highest possible efficiency and transparency. At the same time, we take into account the current reality and work in a concentrated way to secure the producers' business foundation. That's why we place a high value on dialog with producers and music buyers.

In order to efficiently distribute the remuneration that MPO receives, large amounts of data are processed. The MPO has therefore developed mit.MPO, where music producers can claim their repertoire. With mit.MPO , the MPO can make the most accurate distribution of royalties possible, and it is a high priority to constantly improve the system. Therefore, MPO has an ongoing focus on developing and optimizing the system.

More than 190 members

We represent the interests of both international companies
and individual producers.

Upcoming events


Conference on music in TV productions

Time: 13:00 - 16:00
Location: Axel Towers, Axeltorv 2, KBH

Revenue areas

MPO receives remuneration for retransmission of radio and TV channels. Retransmission is what happens when radio and TV signals are received and redistributed in communal antenna systems. MPO receives the fees from Copydan, which constitutes the most significant revenue area in MPO.

The MPO receives a number of collective remuneration payments to music producers for the use of music and music videos by broadcasters. MPO receives remuneration when music videos are used on TV as well as music on websites and other digital platforms where the user can choose content (on demand). MPO also receives remuneration for the use of music rights in DR's archive materials via Copydan

Contractual license request submitted to the Ministry of Culture (Agreement with TV 2)
MPO has submitted a request to the Ministry of Culture to be approved as an organization that can enter into an agreement with a contractual license in an area defined in an agreement between MPO and TV 2. The agreement essentially allows for:

1 - TV 2's on-demand provision of audiovisual productions with commercial music/music videos, as well as copy production that is technically necessary for this.
2 - TV 2's broadcasting of audiovisual productions containing music videos, as well as copy production that is technically necessary for this.
3 - Copy production of the commercial music that is necessary in connection with the production of the audiovisual productions covered.
4 - Use of the edited version of audiovisual productions and the entire shorter version on social media, as long as the purpose is to promote and support productions on TV 2's own platforms.

The agreement is limited to Denmark, including the Faroe Islands and Greenland. The rights covered by the agreement are the rights held by the music companies, including rights transferred from, among others, the performers through agreements with the music companies. Thus, the agreement does not include the underlying musical works, artwork (record covers) and production/catalog music.

Possibility of not being covered by the agreement
Rights holders who are not members of MPO and who do not wish to be covered by the licensing effect of the agreement may reserve the right to do so by contacting MPO at or directly to TV 2. There are no formal requirements for the request. Reservations can be made both before and after any approval has been granted. Members of the MPO can also, under certain conditions, avoid being covered by the agreement. Contact if you want to hear more about this.

On behalf of the music producers, the MPO receives a share of the collective remuneration remuneration paid out as compensation for legal private copying. One third of this remuneration is distributed via the MPO's support scheme, which provides funding for various activities twice a year. MPO receives the funds via Copydan.

MPO receives via Copydan remuneration for the use of music and music videos in schools and distributes the funds to music producers.